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Parenting Your Premature Baby in the NICU

At CHKD, we understand how hard it is for parents and babies to be separated, so we make sure that parents feel welcome at all times.

How Can I Help My Baby?

Congratulations on the birth of your new baby! You are probably feeling a little overwhelmed right now. Delivering a premature or medically fragile baby is unexpected and scary. You and your baby are going to learn a lot about each other over the next few months. One of the first things you will learn is how to read your baby’s behavior. Babies “talk” to us through their behavior. By watching their behavior, we can tell when they are feeling good and want to interact, or when they are feeling bad and want to be left alone.

A baby’s brain does a lot of growing and developing between the 24th and 40th weeks of gestation. To encourage normal brain growth and development, it is important that your baby is comfortable, relaxed, and stable. When your baby is stressed and uncomfortable, the brain can’t grow and develop normally.

It is important to recognize behaviors that tell us your baby is stressed so we can help them return to a non-stressed or stable state.

The Calming Approach

Rocking, touching, holding, singing, and playing with your baby are so important for normal development. Please talk with your baby’s nurse to determine how best to interact with your baby based on their gestational age and medical status. Here are some ideas:


Babies can almost always wear caps and booties. Gowns, dresses, shirts, and pajamas may be worn by babies in cribs and sometimes by infants in isolettes. Remember that at times your baby may not be able to wear clothing. You can bring in colorful sheets and blankets to help personalize atmosphere for your baby.

Feeding your baby

Nutrition is essential for your baby's growth and development. In the beginning, we may need to feed by IV or by using a tube into the stomach (called gavage feeding). As your baby gets bigger, he or she will be able to nurse from your breast or bottle-feed. During times when tube feedings are needed, you can still learn to help. Participating in your baby's care will strengthen that very important parent-infant bond. Human milk contains many factors that help protect babies from certain illnesses and is almost always the best type of nutrition for preemies and sick babies. Mothers can pump breast milk for their babies during the hospital stay, or donor milk can be provided to supplement mother's own supply.

Holding your baby

We encourage you to hold your baby whenever possible, as soon as possible. Please speak with your baby’s care team to determine when your baby can tolerate being held. Understand that this may change on a day to day basis.

Kangaroo Care

This is skin-to-skin contact between you and your baby that lets you provide soothing warmth, security, and comfort. Ask your nurse when your baby will be ready for this.


Preemies begin to focus at about 33 weeks gestation and see objects best at a distance of less than 10 inches from their eyes. Therefore, when touching or talking to your baby, put your face just a few inches from hers. You may also wish to bring in pictures of your family to be placed in the crib or isolette.

Audio recordings

Once your infant is at least 30 weeks gestation, music can be soothing and will break the monotony of the mechanical sounds heard in the NICU. Recordings can help your baby learn familiar voices and is an excellent way to involve siblings, grandparents, and other important people.

Talking softly

Your baby knows your voice from before he was born, when you talked to him while still in utero. Your voice is very soothing to your baby and will help establish the infant-parent bond. Many babies enjoy being talked to or sung to while being touched. Even before they understand the words, they will learn the association with your voice.


Your baby knows you, and your touch is very comforting to him. Based on his gestation and medical status, your nurse may have suggestions about what type of touch would be most comforting. Please ask your nurse to help you learn to read your baby’s cues and signals.

One thing you learn as soon as you enter the NICU is that premature babies are not like term babies. They don’t act the same way or want the same things. Nothing you already know about taking care of or soothing a baby is very useful right now. All of that knowledge will be handy someday, when your baby goes home, but what about now? How can you possibly parent this tiny baby? In addition to these suggestions about what you can do for your baby at various stages of development, your baby's nurse can provide additional guidance or instruction if needed. 

Developmental Care

Less than 26 weeks gestation

Even at this very young and fragile stage, your baby knows your voice and smell. Hearing your voice will soothe your baby, but be sure to keep your voice quiet. Your baby’s hearing is very sensitive. 

Touching and holding: 

  • Hold your baby’s hand using gentle pressure. At this age, your baby will not like being rubbed or even lightly stroked. Your hand cupping baby’s head (not stroking it) is a soothing touch. 
  • Place your finger in your baby’s hand for baby to hold on to. 
  • Provide skin-to-skin care if your baby is medically stable.


  • Begin collecting breast milk as soon as possible if you plan to provide breast milk for your baby.
  • If your baby is given breast milk or formula at this age, it will be through a tube placed in baby’s nose or mouth.

Sight, hearing, and smell:

  • Open the incubator door slowly so light changes are gradual. Your baby’s eyes and ears are extremely sensitive. Shield your baby’s eyes from bright or direct lights. Avoid loud sounds around your baby. 
  • Provide only one sensory input at a time, such as only touching or only talking softly, but not both at the same time. 
  • Protect your baby from strong odors such as perfume or scented lotions. 
26-29 weeks gestation

Touching and holding: 

  • Touch slowly and gently without any sudden movements.
  • Hold your baby’s hand using gentle pressure. Your baby will still not enjoy being rubbed or even lightly stroked at this age. Continue to provide containment for baby’s arms and legs.
  • Place your finger in your baby’s hand for baby to hold on to
  •  Skin to skin care is recommended at this age as your baby becomes ready.


  • Consider placing a cloth scented with mother’s milk in your baby’s bed during tube feedings. Be sure to clean this cloth just like other blankets and bedding.
  • Offer a pacifier for very short periods. Baby will need help keeping the pacifier in their mouth.
  • Your baby will still not bottle feed at this age.

Sight, hearing, and smell: 

  • Avoid bright lights directed toward your baby’s eyes.
  • Avoid loud sounds.
  • Use a quiet voice when talking to your baby.
  • Protect your baby from strong odors.
30-32 weeks gestation

Touching and holding:

  • Prepare baby for touch with a soft voice.
  • Do not stroke baby's skin. Provide continuous, gentle pressure to baby’s legs, upper body, and head.
  • Babies do not tolerate rocking at this age.
  • Skin to skin care is recommended at this age. 


  • Provide opportunities for your baby to suck a pacifier as tolerated. This is in preparation for bottle or breastfeeding and is called non-nutritive stimulation.
  • The environment should be calm. 
  • Baby may be put to breast in preparation for later breastfeeding. Speak with your baby’s doctor if you are interested in trying this.

Sight, hearing, and smell:

  • Talking, interacting, and care should be done when your baby is awake or in a light sleep.
  • Let your baby sleep whenever possible. They need this deep sleep to grow and get stronger.
  • Avoid bright lights.
  • Remain still when your baby is awake, as baby is not yet ready to look at moving objects.
32-36 weeks gestation

Touching and holding: 

  • Continue to use continuous, gentle pressure when touching.
  • Hold your baby still rather than rocking.
  • Talk or sing in a quiet voice.
  • Skin to skin care is recommended.


  • If tube-feeding, continue to provide opportunities to suck a pacifier during feedings. Also, allow baby to smell milk.
  • Your baby will begin to work with occupational therapy in preparation to feed by mouth (PO feed).
  • If baby is beginning to breastfeed, mom should continue to pump as well. The environment should be calm. Burp your baby gently without excessive patting.
  • As baby begins to bottle feed, you will work with occupational therapy on the technique that works best. Hold baby mostly upright, so he can control how often he swallows. You will not hold a premature infant in the traditional reclined position to feed. Keep the nipple still. Pause to gently burp as needed.

Sight, hearing, and smell:

  • Interact with baby when awake.
  • Develop a regular pattern of care for feeding, diaper change, and sleep in preparation for home.
  • Provide dim light at bedspace during the day and darkness at night.

From: Parenting Based on the Developmental Progression of Preterm Infants, 2006 Children’s Medical Ventures, a subsidiary of Respironis, Inc.

DisclaimerThis information is not intended to substitute or replace the professional medical advice you receive from your child's physician. The content provided on this page is for informational purposes only, and was not designed to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Please consult your child's physician with any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition.