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NICU University

When your baby is admitted to the NICU, one of the most important things you can do is learn all you can about their care. NICU University was created to help you learn. Below is a listing of some of our regularly scheduled NICU classes and support groups. We often offer additional topics, so be sure to pick up a calendar in the NICU Family Lounge for complete details. 

Brain Supportive Care

A class to help you understand your premature baby’s developing brain. This class was created to teach parents how to support and protect the brain, starting on admission and continuing through discharge. You will learn how to calm your baby when they are stressed or uncomfortable as well as ways to interact with them during their care times. You will also learn the many benefits of skin to skin care, which is an important type of care that only parents can do. This class is for all parents of new premature babies who are 32 weeks gestation or less. It is recommended that you attend this class within the first week of your premature baby’s admission. Class is approximately 30 minutes long.

Infant Driven Feeding: Learning to Feed Baby by Mouth 

A class to help you understand your baby’s behavior before and during breast or bottle feeding. You will learn more about your infant’s behavior that helps tell us know when he or she is ready to feed by
mouth. You will also learn strategies that help to provide safe and nurturing feeding. An invitation to attend this class will be left in your baby’s room when your baby is approximately 33 weeks gestation. An invitation does not always mean that your baby is beginning to feed by mouth soon. Invitations are sent based on baby’s age so that parents can be prepared when it is time to begin feeding. Class is approximately 30 minutes long.

Dine & Discover 

Dine & Discover is our twice monthly support group for families. Each group provides support and features a NICU topic to help you learn more about the unit. We provide dinner and give you the chance to get to know other NICU families. Look for signs throughout the unit with the topic and location details. All are welcome. No pre-registration needed. 

Mommy Care 

Mommy Care is a group just for NICU moms. Some topics include shattered expectations, importance of self care, processing birth trauma, and recognizing signs and symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety. 

Mommy Care Support Group

Mommy Care is just for NICU moms. Discussion is facilitated by a NICU Social Worker. This is a group where moms can discuss and work to come to terms with the many emotions experienced in the NICU: guilt, grief, powerlessness, anger, loneliness and more. Come and get to know other NICU moms while you focus on healing yourself. 

Pop-Up Support Group 

Pop-Up Support is just for NICU dads. Discussion is facilitated by a NICU Social Worker. This is a group where dads can discuss and work to come to terms with the many emotions experienced in the NICU: guilt, grief, powerlessness, anger, loneliness and more. Come and get to know other NICU dads while you focus on healing yourself.

CPR and Infant Safety 

This class is mandatory for all NICU families and caregivers to take prior to discharge from the NICU. This class covers mandatory discharge education about The Period of Purple Crying, crib safety, safe sleep guidelines, car seat education, and infant CPR. It is recommended for families to begin discharge teaching at
approximately 33 weeks gestation to ensure parents feel prepared when baby is ready to go home. Sign up is required for this class due to limited space. Class is approximately 1.5 hours long..

NICU bucks and the NICU store

NICU bucks are certificates you can spend in our NICU store. You can find baby clothes, toys, blankets, books, hats, and more in our store. Every time you come to any of our NICU classes, groups, or activities, you can earn one NICU buck. The more you learn, the more you earn.

Check out our calendar and get involved in NICU University today.

DisclaimerThis information is not intended to substitute or replace the professional medical advice you receive from your child's physician. The content provided on this page is for informational purposes only, and was not designed to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Please consult your child's physician with any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition.

Reviewed on: 6/2024