Case Management in the NICU
Every NICU baby is assigned a case manager who keeps your insurance company updated on your baby’s progress throughout their hospitalization. The NICU has three case managers, and they are located in the "fishbowl", which is the office down the hallway between the green and blue neighborhoods (pods 4 and 6).
In order to be sure your baby’s stay is covered by insurance:
- As soon as possible after admission, within a few days, please be sure to:
- Add your baby to your insurance.
- Stop by the admitting office on the first floor. They will confirm that your baby has been added to your insurance and give you a parking card and KD Café discount card.
- Your baby may qualify for SSI Medicaid (either Low Birth Weight or Long-Term Hospitalization of over 30 days). Your social worker can help you apply for these programs.
- Please let the admitting office know as soon as possible if there are any changes to your insurance or address during your baby’s hospitalization.
- Please stop by the fishbowl and speak with your baby’s case manager if you have questions about any bills you may receive during your baby’s hospitalization.
- Your baby’s case manager can help you with paperwork if you apply for FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act), EFMP (the military Exceptional Family Member Program), or a Medicaid waiver.
What your case manager does
Please let your case manager know the name of the pediatrician you have selected to care for your baby after discharge from the NICU. Your case manager will help make your first appointment following discharge. If you do not have a pediatrician in mind, your case manager can give you a list of doctors with an office near your home, or you can go online to
Your case manager will also provide discharge planning coordination for your child and family as the time comes to go home.
- Your case manager will ensure all necessary training has been completed with your family in preparation for discharge.
- Prior to discharge, your case manager will arrange follow-up appointments with your baby’s pediatrician and any needed specialists.
- Your case manager will work with you to set up any needed home care equipment while working with your insurance company to ensure adequate coverage.
- If your child is discharged with medical equipment, skilled nursing visits will be arranged to assist with safe transition to home.
- Depending on the medical needs of your child at the time of discharge, your case manager will provide referrals to available community resources and programs to assist with the care of your child at home. This would include screening your child as appropriate for Medicaid waivers to provide private duty in-home nursing.
- You will be provided a discharge summary for your records and to bring to your pediatrician’s office. Keep your copy readily available in case you need to seek emergency care for your child.
- If you have additional questions regarding the discharge process, please contact your case manager.
Possible health benefits available for your baby
Social security low birth weight program
The social security low birth weight program is available to all families with babies weighing 1199 grams or less at birth. The CHKD NICU is fortunate to have an SSI representative who is available to help parents sign up for the program. Please be sure to check with your NICU social worker for details.
You can also contact your local social security office at (800) 772-1218 to begin the process. The social security web site is
After enrolling, please go downstairs to the CHKD Eligibility Office or Health Benefits Office to complete an application for the SSI VA Medicaid. Please bring these items to this meeting:
- Proof of birth letter.
- Picture ID.
- Any insurance information you may have.
Long-term hospitalization Medicaid
Babies may be eligible for Medicaid through the long-term hospitalization program if they are hospitalized more than 30 days. Please speak with your social worker for details on this program.
Transportation with Medicaid cabs and mileage reimbursement
If you or your baby is eligible for Medicaid, a Medicaid cab can be made available to you for transportation to the NICU. The phone number for contacting the cab is listed on the back of your Medicaid card. When calling, you will need to provide your Medicaid number, your destination (CHKD NICU), and explain that you need to meet with members of the medical team.
Transportation can then be arranged for you to go to and from the NICU on weekdays, generally during business hours, and possibly on weekends depending on available drivers. These cabs typically need 48-72 hours advance notice.
Mileage reimbursement may also be available through your insurance. You can call the number on the back of your Medicaid card or speak with your NICU social worker for more information.
Disclaimer: This information is not intended to substitute or replace the professional medical advice you receive from your child's physician. The content provided on this page is for informational purposes only, and was not designed to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease. Please consult your child's physician with any questions or concerns you may have regarding a medical condition.
Reviewed on: 6/2024