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Pharmacy Residency

ashp accredited

Contact Us

For more information about the pharmacy residency program at CHKD, please contact program director Michael Chicella.

Phone: (757) 668-8034

Meet the Team

Meet CHKD's pharmacy residency faculty members.

Pharmacy Resident Information

Learn more about pharmacy resident benefits at CHKD here.

Pharmacists play an essential role in the care of children at Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters (CHKD). Clinical pharmacists are viewed as invaluable members of patient care teams and hospital committees. Pharmacy residents are members of the Department of Pharmacy, where they gain expertise through exposure to a broad range of clinical services.

About Our Hospital

Children’s Hospital of The King’s Daughters is a nationally recognized, fully accredited general pediatric hospital. It is licensed for 266 beds, and it is the only freestanding children’s hospital in the state of Virginia. Patients come from a broad region that includes southeastern Virginia, the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and northeastern North Carolina. We provide a full range of inpatient and outpatient care for children facing both common and complex illnesses, including our pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders Center and our inpatient Rehabilitation Unit. CHKD has the only non-military Level IV Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, the only Level I Pediatric Trauma Center, and the largest and most experienced Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in the area. In addition, the recently opened Children’s Pavilion on the campus provides comprehensive inpatient and outpatient pediatric mental health services for the region.

About Our Pharmacy Department

The Department of Pharmacy is responsible for providing pharmaceutical care to our pediatric patient population. Pharmaceutical care involves not only medication therapy, but also decisions regarding medication selection, dosages, routes, methods of administration, and therapeutic drug monitoring. Patients’ medications, diseases, and doses are reviewed for safe and effective treatment. Pharmacists also provide drug information to other health care professionals and counseling to patients and/or their caregivers. In addition, pharmacists at CHKD are responsible for documenting clinical interventions and reporting adverse drug reactions, and they play an important role in formulary management, medication safety, and error prevention.

Pharmacy Programs We Offer: PGY1 & PGY2

CHKD offers a one-year ASHP-accredited postgraduate year one (PGY1) pharmacy residency program with two residents accepted to the program per year. CHKD also offers the opportunity for one of the PGY1 residents to stay on to complete a one-year postgraduate year two (PGY2) pediatric pharmacy residency with an emphasis on pediatric critical care medicine. If this position is not filled during any particular year, it will flex to a third PGY1 resident position for that year. Both programs include 11 calendar months of core/elective rotations in addition to longitudinal experiences. December is a “project month” which allows residents time to attend the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, take time off for the holidays, and work on research projects as well as other longitudinal residency projects and learning experiences.

Pharmacy Residency Program Information

Application Process

Students currently in the final year of their doctor of pharmacy curriculum at an accredited school or college of pharmacy or pharmacists currently holding a doctor of pharmacy degree from an accredited school or college of pharmacy may submit an application for the PGY1 Pharmacy Residency at CHKD.

Applications will be accepted from October until January 3. Prospective residents may apply through the Pharmacy Online Residency Application Service (PHORCAS) at A letter of intent, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and college transcripts should be included when applying online. The candidate must be eligible for licensure in Virginia.

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