2025 Respiratory Season Policies and Guidelines for Employees
After a review of internal infection rates and policies from other hospitals, CHKD has made the decision to update our policies around COVID. Going forward, we will treat COVID as we do other routine respiratory illnesses. This means that we will no longer require testing or a defined number of days away from work. It will take everyone’s cooperation to make this work, and we are counting on each of you to help.
What to do if you have symptoms:
The most important thing we can all do is stay home from work when we are sick. If you have any symptoms of a contagious illness (respiratory or otherwise), contact occupational health (occupationalhealth@chkd.org or (757) 668-7852) if you are a CHKD staff member; all others should contact Infection Prevention and Control at (757) 668-7230.
Respiratory and other non-specific, fever-related illnesses:
When you have been without fever for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medication, and you feel well enough to return to work, please wear a mask until all symptoms are resolved.
Please continue to practice good hand hygiene and follow isolation requirements for patients.
We appreciate your efforts to maintain the safest possible environment for our patients and co-workers.