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Lisa Roberts, PhD


Medical School: University of Texas At Austin


Lisa Roberts, PhD, is excited to be back in Hampton Roads, joining CHKD after working in central Mississippi as the director of child and adolescent psychology at the Mississippi Center for Advanced Medicine. 

Before moving to Mississippi, Dr. Roberts worked in Hampton Roads as a psychologist at the Child Mental Health Clinic at Naval Medical Center Portsmouth. She also worked as a psychologist and basketball coach with Virginia Beach City Public Schools. 

Dr. Roberts enjoys traveling, watching sports, walking her dog, going to the beach, and trying new restaurants. 

Dr. Roberts is passionate about helping youth improve their well-being. She enjoys integrating playful and creative techniques with evidence-based strategies to help youth and their families meet their therapeutic goals. 

Additional Information


Publications: Keith, T. Z., Reynolds, M. R., Roberts, L. G., Winter, A. L., & Austin, C. A. (2011). Sex differences in latent cognitive abilities ages 5 to 17: Evidence from the Differential Ability Scales—Second Edition. Intelligence 39(5), 389-404.

Roberts, L. G., & Keith, T. Z. (2008, February). Developing positive student relationships with school in later grades. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of School Psychologists, New Orleans, LA.

Roberts, L. G. (2007, August). Diversity awareness and tolerance in schools: Consultation as intervention. Poster session presented at the Student Affiliates of School Psychology Mini-Convention during the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.

Rimrodt, S., Lightman, A., Roberts, L. Denckla, M., & Cutting, L. (2005, February). Are all tests of reading comprehension the same? Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, St. Louis, MO.

Professional Memberships

  • American Psychological Association
  • American Psychological Association, Division of Child and Adolescent Psychology 
  • American Psychological Association, Division of Pediatric Psychology 

Refer to Our Mental Health Program

CHKD is working hard to build a Mental Health Program with care access opportunities for all children in need. We currently have a high volume of requests and partner with mental health agencies outside of CHKD to ensure all children referred receive an appropriate treatment resource. Find inpatient, outpatient, and partial hospitalization referral information here.

Patient with providers in Children's Pavilion

Concerned About Your Child's Mental Health?

If you are concerned about your child's mental health, the best place to start is with your child's primary care pediatrician. Many of CHKD's pediatricians have completed advanced training in the management of disorders such as ADHD, depression, and anxiety.